Co-Curricular Activities For Foreigners In HBNU

As we all know that a sound mind is a perk of a sound body, one shall always keep his co-curricular activities along with his academic progress. Hebei North University encourages its students to participate in such activities in order to help them uplifting and making leaving their marks on every peak. Every year a sports week is planned just to insure this purpose. Different teams are built among the students depending upon their abilities and interests. Games such as soccer, Cricket, badminton and basketball are played and foreign students are observed to participate and enjoy these games. If you want to know something about China medical university world ranking, please contact us.

Talking about daily routine activities an average foreign student is seemed to play table tennis which can be found on the 2nd floor of the library.
Skating and cycling are one of the top exercised activities observed as the dusk seems to appear. Many foreigners have became friends with the locals by playing such games. We provide the list of medical colleges in China.



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